i felt that my frog-tounge was my favorite project we did this year. i liked it because i made it look really good. i followed the directions but then add some stuff to it. this took alot of time to do because i kept thinking that i could add somthing. i didnt have alot of freedom on this because there was a tutorial we had to follow.it was still fun learning to how u se photo shop becasue i had never used it before.i felt as though i made mine look as realistic as a frog beling a tounge could. this was by far my favorite project and wish i could do it again.

2. Regardless of
whether you liked or disliked a project, which one did you learn, grow, or developed
the most from? Please explain.
i learned the most from the clay project becasue i had to improve on my clay building
i grew from this project because i had to use my past knowledge of clay and develop it. the polar bear was very hard to make because i had to add detail to it but keep its shape. i learned alot from this and hope to be able to use what i learned in the future. i felt i did a really good job with the painting, especially the ice water. trying to keep the clay from breaking in the backround was very difficult. over all i learned alot from this project.
i grew from this project because i had to use my past knowledge of clay and develop it. the polar bear was very hard to make because i had to add detail to it but keep its shape. i learned alot from this and hope to be able to use what i learned in the future. i felt i did a really good job with the painting, especially the ice water. trying to keep the clay from breaking in the backround was very difficult. over all i learned alot from this project.
3. Choose 1 piece
of Art that you used skills and techniques learned from previous projects.
Discuss your growth as an artist and how you incorporated these skills and
techniques to create the piece.
i had to use techniques learned from other units to create my prints. i had to do a sketch of the animal first and sort of take two pictures and make it one. my sketch was very good which made it easy to do the print. i have never cut lenolium so it is hard to say i used that. i will take full credit for coming up with the multi-colored prints though. anyways i liked the project as a whole.i lthink i used my used prvious techniques to make my project good.

4. Which project do you feel was the least important in learning the concepts taught in this course? Please explain.
the least important project by far was the shoe drawing. it was so hard for a first project and it was pointless. i never used what i learned form that again the entire semister. for the most part every one else hated it too so im not the only one. i fell most strongly about this question because i did poorly with it and it didnt make me fell confident to start the class. i might have been better to do the project, if at all, at the end of the year. i stongly disliked this project.

4. Which project do you feel was the least important in learning the concepts taught in this course? Please explain.
the least important project by far was the shoe drawing. it was so hard for a first project and it was pointless. i never used what i learned form that again the entire semister. for the most part every one else hated it too so im not the only one. i fell most strongly about this question because i did poorly with it and it didnt make me fell confident to start the class. i might have been better to do the project, if at all, at the end of the year. i stongly disliked this project.
5. Choose a piece
or artwork where the subject matter reflects you as an artist. One that you
have a personal connection to. Please explain your choice.
this project reflected me the most because i like abstract things. this isnt the most abstract, but it is different form normal paper and pencil art. i love spray painting and highly encourage you to do it with future classes. this i fell is my best project that i did all semester. i always wanted to do stuff with spray paint but never had the time nor resources to do so. this let me show myself what i can do with spray paint. i have also always wanted to learn how to do graffiti (don't worry i wont do it illegally) this is why it was my favorite project i have ever done in any art class.
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